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The Ujima Timebank

 We all have that cousin we call on in a pinch.

Whether it’s raking leaves or watching the kids, sometimes you just need a cousin to help you out... 

How does it work? 

Timebank members share skills and provide services for each other, such as:

language lessons • moving • help cooking • home & gardening projects • dj’ing • computer help • driving • writing & editing • and much more!

When you provide an hour of service, you are credited with one hour in your online account. You can use that hour for services you need or want that other members are offering.


Anyone in the Boston area can join!

What is a timebank?

A Timebank is a system of exchange where the unit of value is person-hours. When a member of a timebank performs one hour of service for another member, they are awarded one hour of credit in the Timebank, which can then be redeemed for one hour of service from another member. For example:

Samantha can fix Jess’s blinds, and then Jess can teach Freddie Spanish, then Freddie later gives Samantha a ride, and the Timebank keeps track so it’s fair.

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