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Boston Ujima Project

Member Teams

Ujima is Swahili for collective work and responsibility. Our vision for a just and sustainable Boston is based on the belief that we all have a role to play in creating an equitable economy.


Business Support

Join us to create strategies and tools for supporting Ujima's Good Business Alliance to grow their businesses and foster strong relationships with the Ujima community and all local residents!


Coalitions, Policy, Grassroots Organizing

Help create action alerts for members, and work collaboratively with staff on our policy and coalitional efforts.



Join us to help create a member-driven evaluation process of Ujima's work. Are we meeting our goals? Are we embodying our stated values? Help us come up with innovative methods for answering these essential questions.


Investor Relations

Help inspire individuals and institutions to support Ujima’s infrastructure. Help educate and engage large investors, institutions, fund managers, and investment advisors.


Member Engagement and Organizing

Help Ujima organize and work collaboratively to produce events, orientations, and more to enhance the member experience overall.



Help with outreach and recruitment in your community and networks, and support internal Ujima member organizing to keep information flowing and people involved. Help design visual materials, videos, and other media to support the Ujima ecosystem.


Podcast Creation

Help create a member-led podcast, by and for the Ujima community. The Podcast Crew will continue to vision, record, and produce podcasts that cover topics relevant to the Ujima community, and use the podcast to share important Ujima news!


The Study Team

Help Ujima plan unagendaed study opportunities for members and the wider public.


Timebanking Outreach

Help with outreach and management of Ujima's time banking platform!

Find other ways to get involved:

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