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Ujima Arts & Cultural Organizing Fellow, Shantel Miller Leads Next Microlearning Pod

Self portrait by Shantel Miller

February 13th, 2023 - Starting on March 1st, 2023, visual artist, Shantel Miller will lead Ujima members through "Shantel's World," an immersive three-part workshop series about her art-making practice.

In this microlearning pod series, participants will get a taste of Shantel's approach to creating stunning figurative paintings, exploring her process, and inviting folks to reflect on their own visual inspirations. The series will be a mix of guided group discussion, storytelling, and instruction by Shantel herself. There will also be hands-on opportunities for art-making! All levels and backgrounds are welcome. Shantel is a Jamaican-Canadian figurative painter, whose work represents lived and imagined experiences that often situate the body in moments of vulnerability and introspection. As part of her creative process, she uses body language symbolically to suggest relationships of tension and intimacy, often depicting interior spaces with isolated moments of realism, alternating perspectives, and high-contrast color relationships. Working in this way, Shantel negotiates notions of a public and private self and explores ideas relevant to spirituality and existentialism in ordinary depictions of Black life. Learn more about Shantel at

These virtual microlearning pod sessions begin on March 1st, 2023, and continue monthly through May 3rd, 2023. Learn more and register here.


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